Torchlight FAQ

Why did Prometheus create Torchlight?
Part of our work as LPFM advocates is to create systems to track what is happening to LPFM stations in the FCC database. We are now sharing these systems with applicants so that they can be better informed and proactively defend their applications. These subscriptions also help fund our LPFM service-wide advocacy.

Why would I care if there are changes to my FCC application?
When you file paperwork with the FCC, it moves through their system at its own, often unpredictable, pace, and some of the changes made to your application initiate time-sensitive deadlines. For example, once your application is “accepted for filing,” there are approximately 30 days during which people can petition against you. If such a petition arrives, you have only 10 days to respond -- not something to miss! Once your construction permit is granted, you have 18 months to build it or lose it. Eventually, you’ll have a license, which will have a renewal deadline, and the same cycle of petitions, also not something to miss!

During the MX settlement period, certain advantages are first-come, first-served at the FCC; so you will want to know ASAP about changes to your MX competitors that may open up opportunities for you.

What changes will Torchlight notify me about?
If the LPFM you are tracking, or any LPFM station or applicant within your MX group, has a change in the status of their applications, or has a new letter, petition, objection, etc., filed; you will be notified. Construction permit and license expiration warnings will soon be added.

Why should I pay for what is essentially public information?
Good question. All the data we use is available through the FCC’s search facilities or by examining their downloadable CDBS database. However, Torchlight greatly increases the accessibility of this information and ensures that you will receive it. An individual tracking a single LPFM will require not only the discipline to diligently check the FCC’s website, but the knowledge of how to navigate the FCC database and to interpret the information found there as well as the time to continually track their status. In addition, for individuals in MX situations, and in the future for LPFM’s desiring to track changes to other stations that could affect their signal quality and other opportunities, the existing FCC tracking methods are clumsy at best and calculations and expertise are required to know what changes to what other stations might affect your LPFM and how. Torchlight both accelerates the receiving of pertinent information and creates greater transparency surronding your FCC records.

Is Torchlight only available for tracking LPFM stations?
Initially, yes. When we start tracking signal quality and encroachment, we will expand to FM translators, and later to full-power FM stations.

How quickly will I learn of changes?
Notifications about application status changes to your LPFM or those in your MX group are currently sent within 10 minutes of those changes occurring at the FCC. Notifications about new letters, petitions, informal objections, and so forth, are sent within one business day.

Why should I buy your product instead of one of the others?
Many products have different features and prices and we encourage people to do their own research. Our product is very new and will be undergoing improvements and gaining new features for some time, while the other products are already mature. Our primary goal is to support LPFM and non-commercial community radio stations with the features and pricing that works for them. To the extent that the features we develop are also useful for FM translators and full-power commercial FM stations, we value your business.

I’m a lawyer, engineer, or someone else who supports many stations. Can I track more than one station?
Yes. Please contact us at for a quote on a custom multi-station subscription.

Can I change which station I track?
A subscription is for tracking a single station for one year and cannot be changed. Custom multi-station subscriptions are more flexible. Please contact us at for more information.

Can I have the notifications sent to multiple email addresses?
Currently we only support a single email address per subscription. That email address can be a mailing list or other method for re-sending to multiple recipients.

What are your future plans?
LPFM and FM translator stations are both secondary services, and full-power FM stations are allowed to make changes which may interfere with the listeners of LFPMs and FM translators-- what we call encroachment. Torchlight's notification system can let you know what's happening to your coverage in the event of encroachment. Encroachment notifications combine signal strength predictions within the coverage area with interference signals from other stations in the area. In ideal cases, this early information could lead to a more favorable resolution for your LPFM or FM translator.