Gathering & Sharing Contact Info

Collecting people's contact info at Radio Summer events enables you to connect station hopefuls and potential volunteers to Prometheus. We will work with station hopefuls throughout the application process, provide them with support, and actually build their beautiful new station! Folks interested in volunteering will be plugged into Radio Summer to expand our outreach efforts.

In exchange for completed sign-up sheets, we’ll send you a free Prometheus t-shirt!

Steps to Collect & Share Contact Info:

1. Download and print copies of the Radio Summer Sign-up Sheet and download the Radio Summer Spreadsheet to later enter names.
2. Please circulate the sign-up sheets at every event. Don't wait until an event is ending; try to circulate sheets early in the event, before people have started to leave.
3. Look at the names/info to ensure that they are legible.  Ask for clarification if need be.
4. Check to be sure that you have collected all of the sheets you circulated.
5. Return the names to Prometheus. The preferred way is by entry into this Radio Summer Spreadsheet, so that we can upload the data directly into our database without having to manually enter all the names.

Please also mail the originals to: Prometheus Radio Project, PO Box , Philadelphia PA 19101

Thank you!