Prometheus Radio Broadcast May 2009

Welcome to the Prometheus Radio Broadcast !

You are listening to the Prometheus Radio Broadcast brought to you live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On today's show we will feature .....

Wait! Hold up! This isn't a radio broadcast! This is just an e-mail.

While all of that is true, this is the Prometheus Radio Project's newest mode of broadcast. As many of you know, we have helped hundreds of groups start their own radio stations over the years, yet we ourselves do not have our own radio station. Therefore, we plan to use this broadcast newsletter to let you know what's going on in the Prometheus world. As a subscriber to this broadcast you will receive an email once or twice a month letting you know what's happening in radio policy land, what new stations just went on the air, what exciting station handbooks we have released, and so on.

Just like any normal radio broadcast feel free to turn us off by following the unsubscribe options below. Also, you can help us expand our broadcast signal by forwarding this to your friends and recommending that they subscribe.

Thanks for all of your support of the years and thanks for tuning in to the first edition of the new Prometheus Radio Broadcast!

The Prometheus Radio Project Storms Capitol Hill

Last week, from April 22-24, 2009, Prometheus wrapped up our third Low Power FM Leadership days in DC.  It was a great trip; we made significant headway on our campaign to expand low power FM, traded stories with allies from around the country, and made (radio)waves with our giant corporate robot street theater piece!

Over 50 people, representing diverse communities ranging from Farmworkers from Florida and Oregon, artists and musicians from Chicago to New Jersey, Media Activists and Youth Organizers from Atlanta to Detroit, low-wage workers from Baltimore, members of the faith community from rural North Carolina and radio programmers from Idaho to New York City, gathered in Washington DC to demand more Low Power FM radio through the passage of the Local Community Radio Act. Watch the You tube video, check out the photos, or listen to Free Speech Radio News' story on the events.

CLICK Here to read more.


JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Prometheus Radio Project Hiring New Development Coordinator


simon does not work hereThe Prometheus Radio Project is looking for an experienced Development Coordinator to join our staff! We have extended the application deadline to Sunday, May 17th.

The Development Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating Prometheus' donor program and grant-related work. They will also work closely with staff to grow a fundraising culture within the organization and to better integrate fundraising into Prometheus' program activities.

We are seeking a candidate who has experience in coordinating a diversified fundraising program and who has a background in social and economic justice. In addition, the Prometheus office is a collective working environment with a consensus based decision-making structure. Candidates for this position should be prepared to take on responsibilities related to collective processes- including shared day-to-day office maintenance tasks, collaborative event facilitation and group organization-building activities.

CLICK HERE to read the full job description and find out how to apply.

Get the Latest on Oral Arguments from the NAB Encroachment Lawsuit

Don't Let Them NAB Our AirwavesPrometheus intervened in a court case in DC where the NAB is suing the FCC for supporting Low Power stations who are faced with having their channels taken away. The signals in the case are mixed. While the FCC did a good job defending themselves on the points of law in the courtroom, the NAB seems to have been successful in creating confusion among the judges about the engineering aspects of the case. We should know in the next few months how judges will decide...

Read more here!

Prometheus Radio Project along with WIMN Release Fact Sheet on Women and LPFM

LPFM A poerful resource for womenIn an age of rampant media consolidation, the walls between journalism, advertising, entertainment and marketing have all but disintegrated. With just a handful of self-interested conglomerates owning the vast majority of news and entertainment outlets in America, women’s voices continue to be marginalized in nearly every aspect of corporate media, in front of and behind the cameras and microphones. In this profit-oriented media climate, broadcast news has become increasingly sensationalistic and sexist. Female politicians’ bodies, haircuts and style choices are debated as if they are as, or more, newsworthy than their legislative positions. Reasoned commentary has given way to a homogenous circus of angry talking heads – primarily white and male – screaming at each other as if public affairs programming were a death sport.

Low Power FM stations offer an opportunity for women to enter the debate and engage on their own terms, creating content that better serves their needs. Women’s rights organizations and women-led social justice groups could use LPFM stations to discuss, debate and organize around issues related to women’s and girls’ social, political, economic and physical equality and security.

Download the PDF here!!