Prometheus Radio Broadcast: January 2010

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Community Radio Reaches Out in Haiti


After a 7.0 earthquake devestated Port-au-Prince and the surrounding areas on January 12, community radio is playing a major role in recovery and relief efforts in Haiti. Inexpensive, accesible, and running off small diesel generators, community radio stations can relay information when cell phones, landlines, and television fail. Prometheus reports on the role of community radio both in Haiti and in connecting families with loved ones in the US.


The Local Community Radio Act in the Homestretch

In our fight to pass the Local Community Radio Act, every victory we celebrate comes with a new hurdle to overcome. On December 16, 2009 the Local Community Radio Act was launched out of the House of Representatives with unanimous bipartisan support. Now, the Senate version (S592), which has already passed out of Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, must pass the full Senate to be placed on the President's desk this Spring.

Continue reading The Local Community Radio Act in the Homestretch.

Meet Palabra Radio

Image Community radio has no borders, and the are many valuable projects outside the United States that we can learn from as we continue our fight to expand low power radio.  Since Spring 2008, Prometheus has been collaborating with and learning from the political work of Palabra Radio. In the Spring, Prometheus and Palabra Radio are teaming up for a bilingual cross country outreach tour called Making Waves: Transmitting Popular Power.

Read on to learn more about Palabra Radio (en Español).


For all Your Technical and Training Needs

Image The Prometheus Radio Project would like to welcome our new Technical and Training Organizer, Maggie Avener! Maggie hails from the great state of Maine, where she got her start with community radio at the age of 5, helping her father with his show on the community radio station WERU. In high school, she became a program host and all-around volunteer with WERU. Since leaving Maine, she has become increasingly more excited about the technical aspects of radio. She has worked with the Asian Community Development Corporation to design a low power AM station in Boston's Chinatown, worked on technical projects as a Prometheus intern, and facilitated radio workshops at Prometheus barnraisings, the Grassroots Radio Conference, the Seattle Girls School, and Seattle's Collective of Collectives skill shares.

Maggie has a formal education in environmental engineering from MIT and the University of Washington, where she also studied math, music, and computer science. When she's not working with radio, she likes to spend her time experimenting with cooperative living in its endless forms, climbing rocks and ice, exalting the virtues of free software, and trying to fight oppression wherever it exists. Maggie is ecstatic to have the opportunity to combine her enthusiasm for technology and her love for teaching while working at Prometheus and staying close to her roots in community radio.