The Ordinary People's Society

Twelve years ago, Pastor Kenneth Glasgow was in the midst of different forms of local outreach, extending himself to community members in an effort to provide education on local and national issues. While working on his own to stimulate change, he was approached by a friend who hosted a faith-based radio show to hit the streets and interview individuals live via cellphone as a weekly feature of the show. Glasgow then wandered throughout Dothan, Alabama interviewing anyone willing to speak with him. These lively and candid interviews brought about the inspiration to establish his very own internet radio station that strives to educate the youth on issues that are holding back positive change and progression, unite the Latino and Black community, and to promote liberal values within the conservative community.

Pastor Glasgow appropriately named his new found organization The Ordinary People's Society or T.O.P.S. This is an organization composed of ordinary people who work to serve individuals just like them through discussions on important issues that lack proper attention in the national media, organizing local events and meetings, and other various methods of outreach. T.O.P.S. has gained quite a following since the days of live interviews held on the sidewalks of Dothan with about 1,500 daily listeners of his live web show which airs seven days a week from 6 am to 8 pm at In order to appeal to the entire community,  T.O.P.S. features extremely diverse programming-- news and talk shows involving race and prison reform, sermons, gospel music, music and talk shows in Spanish, political talk shows featuring Liberals and Conservatives, and more. The immense amount of “talk radio” that is featured on T.O.P.S. truly allows this station to shine and stand out amongst the Alabama's music oriented airwaves. Though Pastor Glasgow himself is an Evangelist, the religious programming includes all faiths as the ultimate goal is to promote open-mindedness, diversity, and coexistence. As previously stated, a major goal is to unite the Latino and Black community. Most are aware of the racial history of Alabama and Pastor Glasgow addresses this“stigma” that comes with the location of the organization, “You gotta realize that we're in Alabama. There is a stigma here. In two years of having our station on the air, the stigma, I believe-- I have no doubt, might not be broken all the way, but it sure will be diminished.”

Like most organizations working to create a station, T.O.P.S. is facing a number of issues as they attempt to take the next big step of moving from the web and onto the airwaves. Finances, overall acceptance from the greater community, a larger following of strictly conservative individuals, and patiently awaiting the release of the rules and regulations of creating a LPFM station by the FCC are some of the challenges the organization is currently grappling with. Pastor Glasgow is not  discouraged however; he is also working to produce a radio station solely dedicated to reforming the Criminal Justice System. This branch off of T.O.P.S. is appropriately titled the Prodigal Child Project; more information on the goals and work of this organization can be acquired through the official T.O.P.S. website

With a Facebook page, a Twitter, two websites, and two blogs, one for individuals to express their thoughts and opinions and another that streams the actual radio show, the establishment, success, and domination of the web by T.O.P.S. is clear. For over a decade, T.O.P.S. has been creating a positive impact and continues to move in a positive direction. The expansion from broadcasting online to broadcasting on the airwaves will enable T.O.P.S. to reach a larger audience and bring about more change in the greater community. This move onto the airwaves allows T.O.P.S. to reach the many people in the community who still lack access to the internet.  Pastor Glasgow also sees the founding of a radio station as key in helping his station expand its reach in the local community and eventually nationwide.   Pastor Glasgow eloquently states his thoughts on the general lack of progression  and how his station will contribute to bringing about change throughout the country if and when his station goes nationwide, “People don't have access to information and then people are nonproductive. It's not so much that people are oppressive, but that people don't have access to information.”

An interview with Pastor Kenneth Glasgow
By Lita Farquhar