Prometheus and the FCC go to California

Check out this Huffington Post column from Prometheus staffer Brandy Doyle, who has been following the FCC's 2010 review of its media ownership rules. Along with fellow Promethean Pete Tridish, Brandy will be at the FCC's public workshop at Stanford University this Friday, May 21. The workshop will be at Stanford's Dinkelspiel Auditorium at 471 Lagunita Drive, Stanford, CA,  from 10am-5pm. Are you in the Bay Area? Write brandy(at) for more information on how to speak out against media consolidation.

While on the west coast, Prometheus also joined representatives of community radio stations from across the country at the Grassroots Radio Conference in Garberville, California last week. Pete Tridish, Maggie Avener, and Brandy Doyle presented workshops on media policy, streaming technology, the future of broadcasting, and community newsrooms. Pete Tridish gave the conference's closing plenary address, discussing the role of community stations in the future of media.