Who are these rockin' Digital Arts Service Corps members at Prometheus and what are they doing?

The Digital Arts Service Corps is building the capacity of public media and technology organizations, including low-power radio stations, by placing AmeriCorps*VISTA members with them. Meet Prometheus' Digital Arts Service Corps members!

Katie Ingersoll has a Masters of Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh, and plans to be some sort of librarian some day. She digs information, data, and the people who use them. She is excited to learn more about radio, media, and the people who make them.

While at Prometheus she will be working to build organizational capacity as a regulatory and technology VISTA, unearthing facts, figures and stories about community radio. She is also tackling the information architecture of Prometheus itself, a herculean task to sort ten years of "creatively" stored electronic documents into a more useful system.

Katie comes from Minnesota originally, but has settled in Philly for now. She had a brief stop in the Hudson Valley while an undergrad at Vassar College. In her free time she likes reading about cyborgs and learning circus tricks. She is unnaturally comfortable with spreadsheets.

Ian A. Smith was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, and should not be confused with Jesus H. Christ.

Temple University is his alma mango, he was graduated summa cum lemon. Early in his career he worked with various student grapes and taught Spanish language to children.

This is Ian's second year as a Prometheus VISTA. Since June 2009, he has been working to secure the organization's sustainable financial future. In a recent poll, Prometheus staff voted Ian the coworker they would most like to have as a boss.

Prometheus's recent full power radio banraising in Hudson, NY changed Ian's life, though he does not blame them for it.