January 2013 Broadcast Newsletter



The end of 2012 brought the news communities all across the U.S. have been waiting for. At their November 30th meeting, the FCC announced an October 2013 application window for LPFM! Prometheus was right there at the meeting and with you on the web, rolling out the exciting news as it happened. 

Prometheus was also on tour this fall throughout the South, meeting face to face with folks to organize around the LPFM opportunity.  While on tour, we met Emery Wright, Co-Director of Project South in Atlanta, Ga who shared this perspective:

"We need our voice and we need to be able to talk to each other… How do we have authentic conversations across borders and boundaries that divide us? We know we can't depend on corporate media for that and so we have to build our own tools for communications, and community radio stations are a great way to do that."

As we continue to reach out to new groups about this opportunity, we hear their excitement and passion for change and conversation.  As we support these groups in their application preparation, we see the promise of how radio can facilitate these conversations in communities.  

Together, we celebrated this historic moment for community radio, and together we can build a diverse media landscape that pulls from all corners of the country. Would you give $50 to  support our work today and see our signals get louder and stronger? 

Next Steps at the FCC: Application Window & More 

Just before the holidays, the FCC released new rules for community radio, the last major step in implementing the Local Community Radio Act. At last, we know much more about about where, how, and even when local organizations can apply for new stations.

Prometheus and our allies won a number of important victories for community radio in this process, pushing the FCC to create more flexible and fair rules that better prioritize local community-driven stations. Thanks to these new rules, a whole new day is coming for community radio, and it's coming up fast -- the FCC announced that they will accept applications for new community radio stations on October 15, 2013. Thanks to everyone who wrote the FCC to create more opportunities for community radio!

To learn more about the new rules for low power radio, check out our Highlights from the Sixth Report and Order, a summary of the most important rule changes which includes a link to the full text of the FCC's decision.

To learn about the next steps at the FCC, read our update Clearing the Airwaves, which explains how the FCC is handling the backlog of pending translator applications to free up channels for community radio.

Announcing the Station Torchbearers Program 

In October 2013, thousands of new radio licenses will be up for grabs and Prometheus is supporting groups to bring the fire of radio to their communities.

One way we’re helping folks is through our Station Torchbearer Program, which provides direct one-on-one support to groups starting radio stations. Torchbearer Stations work closely with Prometheus to prepare their organization to apply for a low power FM radio license with the goal of creating a sustainable community radio station.

Torchbearers receive an application review, a strategy consultation, preliminary engineering advice and support, referrals to qualified engineers and lawyers, and regular check-ins on progress. The estimated value of this support is $2,000, however, applicant groups that are selected for the program are given a subsidized rate of $200.

For more information on the program, details on how to become a Station Torchbearer, and a description of additional services we provide, go to prometheusradio.org/support!

Reclaim the Airwaves Southern Tour Recap 

Southern organizers and artists are ready to bring the fire of community radio! The Reclaim the Airwaves Tour recently completed 17 events in 14 different cities across 8 states between North Carolina and Florida. 

We talked with social justice groups, labor organizers, community leaders, and artists about the upcoming nationwide expansion of community radio.  We were able to meet with over 300 people who are excited about the opportunity, and answer their questions face-to-face. 

We also spent time with the Coalition of Immokalee workers, WSLR, and KOCZ interviewing them about how Low Power FM community radio has already made a big impact in their communities, and the lessons they have to offer folks starting new stations.  For more information on this inspiring tour, click here! 

Early Bird Registration Rates for the NCMR 

Want to delve into the most pressing issues facing the future of the media? Then join Prometheus, Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez from “Democracy Now!” and many more in Denver, CO at the National Conference for Media Reform! From April 5-7, 2013, Free Press will host a whirlwind conference covering the policies and politics that shape our media system. 


Early-bird registration rates are available through Jan. 30, 2013, so sign up today


Prometheus would like to welcome our newest intern Eros and bid farewell to our Community Radio Director Vanessa Maria Graber. They have both brought a wealth of talents and energy to our work in this field, and our organization is all the better for their contributions.  Read more about them here.


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Thank You Donors!

The following people contributed to Prometheus between 1/1/12 and 12//31/12. 


Craig Aaron
Steve Barnes
Val Barnes
Bill Beason
Mark Beauchamp
Scott Behmer
CH Browner
Gina Calicura
Ted Coopman
Lila Cornell
Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn
Nancy Deren
John Dority
Shauna Duffy
Curt Dunnam
Gabriel Farrell
Kirsten Flagg
William Floyd
Jeanette Forman
Cassandra Fralix
Ronald Gedrim
Alan Goldsmith
Dan Hajdo
Sharp Hall
Sarah Hansen
Mario Hemsley
Lyle Henry
Noah Hersom
Iden Hill
Casey Holcomb
Fran Kaliher
Diane Kamp
William Kates
Ste. Kubenka
Stephen Lewis
Norberto Martinez
John Mayer
Rob McConnell
Bonni McKeown
Joe Newman
Alan Paberz
Carlos Pareja
Marika Patridge
Beth Patel
Robert Pesner
Jose Pineda
Lisa Qing
Susan Raybuck
Gerard Renfro
Nan Rubin
Hannah Sassaman
Matthew Schacht
Fred Schaeffer
Sharon Scott
Ira Selkowitz
Peter Shaw
Burke Stansbury
Barbara Steinman
Don Suhan
Roxanna Sweet
Douglas Taylor
Teresa Peacock
Gabriel Tobias
Carol Troutwine
Mike Wassenaar
Kaya Weidman
Gene Weinstein
Kathy Weisbach
Jenny Weissbourd
Leah Weston
Holmes Wilson
Please tell us if we have inadvertently overlooked your donation.


Prometheus Radio Project
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