Get On Air Clinic! (GRC 2012)

At the 2012 Grassroots Radio Conference in Urbana, Illinois, Prometheus hosted a series of discussions with prospective LPFM applicants about how to get their new community stations on the air. These videos contain information about applying for an FCC license, understanding and using radio technology, and many more important topics in station-building!


  • Get On Air Clinic, Part 1: Introduction This introduction is a must for anyone wanting to start a radio station! We review the upcoming opportunity to get a license, get to know all the LPFM applicants at the conference, and get oriented to the Get On Air pathway running throughout the conference. We also review the applicant support resources that Prometheus provides.
  •  Get On Air Clinic, Part 3: Antennas, Towers, and Transmitters, Oh My! No station knows exactly where their signal will go before they turn on their transmitter. It's hard to predict how transmission will work - your signal will be affected by things like mountains, trees, buildings, rain, and the presence of other radio waves. Watch this session to learn the nuts and bolts of the equipment that you need for your studio and the equipment for the transmitter site.